Monday, September 22, 2008


I think that recycling is useful because recycling can stop polluting.Recycling is something you don't want and and change into something useful. Most of the people use only one side of the paper and throw it away. In that way alot of trees would be cut down just to make paper. Recycling will help to save the world! I heard that because we pollute the world's ozone layer has a hole that must be the cause of the weather in Singapore. If there is a thing that you want you don't have to buy it, you can simply make it yourself. Like a pencil holder, you can take a toilet roll,a piece of coloured paper,glue and a pair of scissors.Me and my family also practise recycling. Everytime the rag-and-bone man come my family will sell the old newspaper to him.I think after the rag-and-bone man colect the newspaper he will past to someone which knows how to remake the paper into new plain white paper. I think my school has done enough recycling as the green club members has many out-door activities. I would tell them to tell their familys to recycle too!