Friday, January 22, 2010

My own book ( The Mysterious School Bell )

It was starting of a new day, the first day of primary 5! David and Dan, the twins, and their best friends Sarah, Peter and Ella, like always they meet at the bus stop to go to Memory Lane Primary School together. They went to school by the school bus and all of them were very excited to meet their classmates again. As they reach the school gate they all felt a sudden rush up their hair and suddenly they seem to forgot about why they were so excited! So as they went to the hall they all looked very puzzled. After the principal made his speech they went back to class. At the end of school the bell rang again and the five kids forgot about what the teacher told them to bring......... David and Dan had felt something was wrong and so they went home together, they talked about the things that were wrong and so they decided to pretend to sleepover at David and Dan's house. At about 5.45 am when the school is about to open at 6 they left their home and went to school. Once they reach school, they found the map which tells them where the school's bell is, which is at the roof, and so they took the quickest way to the roof and they hid by the fire escape where they can all get a good view. At about 7.25 a.m. professor Galler,their science teacher, came up. He sneaked behind the speaker and tampered with it. As the time arrive they jumped out and caught him by the minute! Dan the so-called computer geek cut some wires and at 7.30 a.m. sharp, the bell was suppose to ring but didn't. Ella called the principal up while Peter called the police. The reason professor Galler did this was because he wanted to be principal for years but couldn't so he decided to brain-wash the principal and trick him into giving up the principal sit. By washing the childrens brains will help him get their respect too. After these incident the professor Galler was sent to jail and the pricipal decided to make the five kids into the school's detective team. And so the kids led a peaceful life and had no more troubles-big troubles that is!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A new year!!!!

Hi! its been awhile since i wrote here! One because i have no time and the other is because i had forgotten my password!!! But now since i had remembered it i will be writing whenever i have time! Now b4 i start on this year let me give you a good debrief on December....... on the 13Th i went to my Friend ***** b-day party it was really fun! i got to see all my frenz who went there, and everything was great! This year i am P6 so dun really have much time , it is always homework assignments, tuition bla bla bla. But although i glad to go back to school to meet with all my frenz but i very sad that my best frenz had all gone our class jokers smarty pants bla bla bla they are all gone..... I would just like to go on trips with them or PE or excursions but this is mission impossible cause they have gone to a class very far from ours so we cannot go to PE together but i really hope during the trip to pioneer museum i can go with her..... I wonder if it is true when my seniors(now in sec school) said that when people go to P6 they start to like someone i use to laugh when they said it but now i start to think it is true...... My friends ***** and ****** have secret admires but because the boy was my Friend and i hate ****** so when he told me he like her i look surprisingly mad so he decided to give up on her just because he thought i was mad! But that showed me that he treasures our friendship. Even I think i like someone NOW!!!!! He is really smart and funny I use to fight with him a lot maybe that's why our elders always say the more you fight, the more you like each other..... Well that's all now i have to go to sleep tomorrow there is sch bye!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Nothing much in band but camp

Finally the teacher came through and we started to practice the song "Trails Of Glory" Well I don't think this is anything fun but if you like to coninue reading i think next you will see me write about camp.

This camp is very fun but there where ups and downs. At first my impression for the instructor was not that good he was lazy,playful,and a whole lot of lazy. bu the longer you spend wif this gut the more you find him funny. For this camp my fav is the night activity "kidnap". So fun you could actually be the one being kidnap! Of course i don't want to be the kidnap person i would have missed all the fun action. My fav meal was second day supper it was hotdogs after you take a hotdog bread than you can take another food like the hotdog rolls or curry o's.

My fav activity is oso the second day campfire we get to perform and my ex-assitant band leader came. He was the coolest guy in school, but i don't like him one bit. He is such a show-off! I love this song called "Everbody Dance Now" so cool! Read the blog <> go to member click my name and you can read more about camp.

Friday, April 3, 2009

A horrid day

Yesterday was a horrid day! Yesterday we are suppose to have band but, we were noisy so the teacher pnished us by making a fool out of us! How? By making us keep the chair and set them again and again and again! Finally we can start praticing, but then three students..... Instead of helping out they went upstairs to the second floor! When we finished setting the chair then we found them missing! Some said they were upstairs playing computer others thought they went to the toliet. After awhile, one of the boys came down, the teacher asked where were they and the boy replied upstairs waiting for the key. After much talking, the boy went out but don noe where . For a very long time the boys never came down. Then the teacher ask the assistant band leader to go see what they are doing, guess what? They were playing the computer. After ten to twenty minutes, another boy came down. This time the teacher did not let the boy go back. After five to ten minutes, the teacher ask a boy to go upstairs and call the other two to come down. After much scolding the teacher ask us to keep the chairs. Then carry our bags but we were making too much noise so we were ask to set the chairs. Although it was fun but i do not want to do it again...

Good bye i hope you had fun reading and so leave your comments

Monday, March 30, 2009


Oh my god! in just 8 more days and i am going camping! On this coming wednesday, there is this people who is coming to our school and they are selling us the camping stuff. I am gonna buy the sleeping bag,sleeping pillow, emergency light, zip-lock bags and the carribena. Boy im i excited!!!
This is my first time out of school wif my frenz camping!

Well i am tired now so bye and leave your comments!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Today was fun, but it is oso the last day of school! What I meant was not like no more school for the rest of the year but instead it is a one week holiday! But some of my classmates were chosen for the studentcamp, so the have to go to school. Another thing is, tomorrow there is a parent teacher comference, so i must wake up early cause my timing is at 7.30a.m.

Well thats today! reders pls leave your comments!!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Today me and my class went to Bukit Chandu and Old Ford Factory. The thing i learnt is ...
~During japan occupation civilian must bow to japanese soldier when they see them
~Bombs rained down japan citys and two atomic bomb landed on two japan city Hiroshima and Naasaki.The one landed on Hiroshima is called the "Little Boy".The one fell on Nagasaki was known as "Fat Man".6 August 1945 Hiroshima was destroyed and on 9August 1945 Nagasaki was destroyed.
~After the japan surrendered, most part of singapore was destroyed!

Well i think this is the end pls leave comment!